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SMT and THT soldering: two main methods of electronic component assembly


Surface mount technology (SMT) and through-hole mounting technology (THT) are two main methods of electronic component assembly, which play different but complementary roles in electronic manufacturing. Below we will introduce these two technologies and their characteristics in detail.

1. SMT (Surface Mount Technology)

SMT is an advanced electronic component assembly technology that has become one of the main methods of modern electronic manufacturing. Its characteristics include:

Component mounting: SMT mounts electronic components directly on the surface of the printed circuit board (PCB) without the need for connection through holes.

Component type: SMT is suitable for small, flat and lightweight electronic components such as chips, surface mount resistors, capacitors, diodes and integrated circuits.

Connection method: SMT uses solder paste or adhesive to adhere components to the PCB, and then melts the solder paste through hot air furnaces or infrared heating to connect components to the PCB.


Improves the density and performance of electronic products because components can be arranged more closely.

Reduces the number of holes on the PCB and improves the reliability of the circuit board.

Suitable for automated production because components can be mounted quickly and efficiently.


For some large or high-power components, it may not be suitable.

For beginners, more complex equipment and techniques may be required.

2. THT (Through-Hole Technology)

THT is a traditional electronic component assembly technology that uses through-hole components to connect to the PCB. Its characteristics include:

Component mounting: THT components have pins that pass through holes in the PCB and are connected by soldering.

Component type: THT is suitable for large, high-temperature and high-power components such as inductors, relays and connectors.

Connection method: THT uses solder or wave soldering technology to solder component pins to the PCB.


Suitable for large components and can withstand high power and high temperature.

Easier to operate manually, suitable for small batch production or prototyping.

For some special applications, THT has higher mechanical stability.


The perforations on the PCB take up space, reducing the layout flexibility of the circuit board.

THT assembly is usually slow and not suitable for large-scale automated production.

In summary, SMT and THT are two different methods of electronic component assembly, each with its own advantages and limitations. When choosing an assembly method, you need to consider the requirements, scale, and budget of your electronic product. Generally, modern electronic products use SMT technology because it is suitable for small, high-performance components, enabling high integration and efficient production. However, THT is still a useful choice in some special cases, especially for those components that need to withstand high temperatures or high power.

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